Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Posted on 11:00 AM 1 comment
Why join a group? To motivate one another and keep yourself honest.
How do we do that? Put our commitments in writing.

I'm sure most of you have already shared yours with Trisha, but I wanted to get everyone's help.

At a high level, here are my goals. Will explain more at bottom if you'd like some reading material =)

1.) Eat and Track 'Paleo' Food and Keep Calorie Intake Below 2000
2.) FAST and Eat Between a 4Hour Window (5p-9p)
3.) Attend the Gym at Least 3 Times a Week
4.) During none-gym days, Run following a 1/2 Marathon plan

I'll be verifying my results via Ab Definition and Fat Lbs loss.

So, some of these might be weird but I'm not new to any of them.
However, they all have one thing in common... I eventually fail ;/

Well, I was going to explain more with details and my tools I use, but ran out of time.
Stay tuned and Happy Day 2.5! We're 6% there!!!!!
